5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Best GPS for Kids

GPS trackers for kids have been gaining popularity due to the increasing concern for children’s safety. However, before purchasing a GPS tracker, it is crucial to consider key factors to ensure the best choice for your child’s needs and your peace of mind.

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GPS Trackers for Kids:

What is a GPS tracker for kids?

A GPS tracker for kids is a device that utilizes Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to accurately determine the location of a child. It provides real-time tracking information, allowing parents or guardians to monitor their child’s whereabouts.

How do GPS trackers work?

GPS trackers receive signals from multiple satellites and use trilateration to calculate the device’s precise location. This information is then transmitted through cellular networks or other means to a parent’s smartphone, computer, or other compatible devices.

Types of GPS trackers available

Wearable GPS trackers:

  • These are specifically designed to be worn by kids, usually in the form of wristbands or pendants.

Non-wearable GPS trackers:

  • These devices can be placed discreetly in a child’s bag or attached to their belongings.

Evaluating Tracking Features:

Real-time tracking capabilities

Choose a GPS tracker that provides real-time tracking, allowing you to instantly know your child’s location and movements. This feature is particularly valuable in emergency situations or if your child has wandered off.

Geofencing and alerts

Look for GPS trackers that offer geofencing, which allows you to set virtual boundaries. When your child crosses these boundaries, you’ll receive alerts on your device, ensuring their safety and providing peace of mind.

Battery life and charging options

Consider the battery life of the GPS tracker and the available charging options. Longer battery life ensures continuous tracking without interruptions, while convenient charging options make it easier to keep the device powered.

Accuracy and precision of location data

Opt for a GPS tracker that offers high accuracy and precision in location data. This ensures you have reliable information on your child’s whereabouts, allowing you to respond promptly to any concerns.

Considering Device Design and Durability:

Wearable vs. non-wearable GPS devices

Decide whether a wearable or non-wearable GPS device is more suitable for your child’s needs. Wearables are often preferred for younger children, as they are easy to wear and less likely to be misplaced.

Factors to consider for comfortable wearables

When choosing a wearable GPS tracker, consider factors such as size, weight, and materials used. Ensure that the device is comfortable for your child to wear throughout the day.

Waterproof and tamper-proof features for enhanced durability

Look for waterproof and tamper-proof features in GPS trackers, as these devices are subjected to various conditions. Waterproofing protects the device from accidental splashes or rain, while tamper-proofing prevents unauthorized removal or tampering.

Examining Communication Features:

Two-way calling functionality

Consider a GPS tracker with two-way calling functionality, allowing you and your child to communicate effortlessly. This feature enables you to check on your child’s well-being or provide necessary instructions when needed.

Voice messaging capabilities

Look for GPS trackers that offer voice messaging capabilities, enabling your child to communicate with you using voice recordings. This feature can be especially useful if your child is too young to use text messaging.

Text messaging options

Choose a GPS tracker that has text messaging capabilities for easy communication between you and your child. This feature allows you to send important messages or instructions, keeping you connected even when verbal communication is not possible.

Compatibility with smartphones and apps

Ensure that the GPS tracker you choose is compatible with your smartphone and any designated apps. This compatibility enhances the user experience and provides seamless integration into your existing digital ecosystem.

Exploring Data Privacy and Security:

Encryption and secure data transmission

Prioritize GPS trackers that utilize encryption and secure data transmission protocols to safeguard your child’s location information. This ensures that sensitive data remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.

Privacy settings and permissions

Choose a GPS tracker that offers customizable privacy settings and permissions. This allows you to control who has access to your child’s location data and ensures that only trusted individuals can receive updates.

Data storage and access control

Consider GPS trackers that provide secure data storage and access control. This prevents unauthorized individuals from retrieving or manipulating stored location data, adding an extra layer of protection.

Protection against hacking and unauthorized access

Select a GPS tracker that has robust security measures in place to protect against hacking and unauthorized access. Features such as password protection and device authentication help ensure your child’s safety and privacy.

Examining Tracking Software and Interface:

User-friendly interface for parents and guardians

Look for GPS trackers with a user-friendly interface, allowing parents and guardians to easily navigate through the software and access essential features. An intuitive interface ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Software compatibility with different devices

Ensure that the GPS tracker’s software is compatible with various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or computers. This versatility allows you to monitor your child’s location from different platforms.

Features for tracking multiple devices

If you have multiple children or need to monitor several GPS devices, choose a tracker that offers features for tracking multiple devices simultaneously. This simplifies the monitoring process and ensures efficient management.

Additional services, such as SOS button and health monitoring

Consider GPS trackers that provide additional services, such as an SOS button for emergencies or health monitoring features. These additional functionalities can further enhance your child’s safety and well-being.

Considering Pricing and Subscription Plans:

Budgeting for the initial purchase

Take into account the initial purchase cost of the GPS tracker when setting your budget. It is essential to find a device that meets your requirements without compromising on quality and features.

Monthly or annual subscription costs

Be aware of the subscription costs associated with the GPS tracker. Some devices require monthly or annual subscriptions to utilize certain features or access tracking data. Evaluate these costs to ensure it fits within your long-term financial plan.

Additional fees or hidden charges

Read the terms and conditions carefully to identify any potential additional fees or hidden charges. It is crucial to have a transparent understanding of the ongoing costs associated with using the GPS tracker.

Assessing Customer Support and Warranty:

Availability of customer support channels

Check the availability of customer support channels provided by the GPS tracker manufacturer. Quick and reliable customer support ensures assistance during troubleshooting or any concerns you may have.

Warranty period and coverage

Consider the warranty period and coverage offered by the GPS tracker manufacturer. A longer warranty period and comprehensive coverage provide added protection and assurance of the device’s quality.

Return policy and satisfaction guarantee

Review the return policy and satisfaction guarantee offered by the manufacturer. It is crucial to have the option to return or exchange the GPS tracker if it does not meet your expectations or requirements.

Reviews and Recommendations:

Reading online reviews and ratings

Take the time to read online reviews and ratings of different GPS trackers. Genuine customer experiences can provide valuable insights into the pros and cons of specific devices, aiding your decision-making process.

Seeking recommendations from trusted sources

Ask for recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family members, or parenting forums. Hearing about other parents’ experiences and preferences can help you narrow down your choices.

Considering personal experiences and testimonials

Consider personal experiences and testimonials from individuals who have used GPS trackers for their children. Their first-hand accounts can provide real-world perspectives, influencing your ultimate decision.


How does GPS tracking affect kids’ privacy and safety?

GPS tracking can enhance kids’ safety by allowing parents or guardians to monitor their whereabouts. However, it is essential to balance privacy concerns and ensure that only trusted individuals have access to the tracking data.

Are GPS trackers tamper-proof?

Many GPS trackers are designed to be tamper-proof, making it difficult for children to remove or disable them without parental knowledge. Look for features such as secure fastenings or tamper alerts to ensure the device’s integrity.

Can GPS trackers be used without a subscription plan?

Some GPS trackers offer limited functionalities without a subscription plan, while others require a subscription for full access to features and services. Review the device specifications to determine if it suits your needs without a subscription.

How accurate are GPS trackers for kids?

GPS trackers for kids provide accurate location data within a certain range. The accuracy depends on various factors, including satellite coverage, surrounding obstacles, and the quality of the GPS tracker itself.

Are GPS trackers suitable for all ages?

GPS trackers can be suitable for children of all ages, but the specific needs and preferences may vary. Consider the child’s age, maturity, and individual circumstances when selecting a GPS tracker.


In conclusion, choosing the best GPS for kids involves considering a range of factors such as tracking features, device design, communication capabilities, data privacy, software interface, pricing, customer support, and reviews. By prioritizing your child’s safety, conducting thorough research, and evaluating your specific requirements, you can make an informed decision that provides peace of mind and enhanced security. Remember, the safety of your child is paramount, and selecting the right GPS tracker can contribute significantly to their well-being.